Useful links

Below are our selected and categorised links that are worthwhile mentioning.

Our own Special Event Station

  PA7ØOV, our own website


  QSL-manager information, on IK3QAR.IT

  PA7ØOV, on 'Herdenkingskalender' (only in Dutch)

  PA7ØOV, on 'Liefde voor Limburg' (only in Dutch)

Organizations related to Operation Veritable

  The Veritable Foundation (only in Dutch)

Other links related to (70 years) Operation Veritable

  The city of Gennep (only in Dutch)

  VERON (only in Dutch)

  VRZA (only in Dutch)


  Liberation Route (only in Dutch)

  51st Highland Division

   Martinus Toren Gennep

If you have more useful links, please drop us a note here.